Coalition's Next Steps In Fight Against Dangerous
Coalition's Next Steps In Fight Against Effects Of
Dangerous Drug
The Cabinet has agreed to lower the presumption of supply in relation to methamphetamine from the current 56 grams to 5 grams, Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton told Parliament today.
"This will allow police the ability to prosecute more suppliers of this dangerous drug. This measure will help police and customs in their fight against methamphemine and is expected to begin its progress through the Cabinet process by the end of this month," the Progressive leader said in response to a question in Parliament.
Pseudoephedrine, an ingredient for the manufacture of methamphetamine, has also been recommended by the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs to be classified as a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, the Progressive leader told Parliament.
"I have accepted that recommendation and the Ministry of Health is in the process of consulting with the industry on this measure. Consultation is necessary as pseudoephedrine has a legitimate use but my officials have indicated that the pharmaceutical society and the industry are keen to support measures that will stop access by those who manufacture this drug while maintaining access for legitimate users. The EACD is also considering the classification of ephedreine, another ingredient in methamphetamine production, and I expect its recommendation in the next few weeks.
Classification to a C class drug for these ingredients would mean that the penalties against importers will significantly increase," the Progressive leader said.