One Rule For All Kiwis, Minister
One Rule For All Kiwis, Minister
The Labour Government's Land Access Ministerial Reference Group, formed to review public access to private land, now appears to be advocating a separate strategy for Maori land, ACT New Zealand Rural Affairs Spokesman Gerry Eckhoff said today.
"At a meeting of over 200 in Taranaki last night, it was very clear the Ministerial Reference Group believes Maori land should be treated differently to land owned by non-Maori," Mr Eckhoff said.
"Apparently this is because of Maori cultural and traditional values towards the land.
"Such attitudes by the Ministerial Reference Group only serve to harden the resolve of non-Maori landowners. A Property right, is a property right - end of story.
"Yet again, the cultural cringe of this Government-appointed Ministerial Reference Group serves only to add fuel to an already heated issue.
"Rural Affairs Minister Jim Sutton must make it abundantly
clear - one rule for all New Zealanders, regardless of
ethnicity," Mr Eckhoff said.