Turia expresses regret at Pivac CYF resignation
3 November 2003 Media Statement
Turia expresses regret at Pivac resignation from CYF
Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment Tariana Turia expressed her great regret at the resignation of Jackie Pivac, Chief Executive of the Department of Child Youth and Family, following the baseline review of the department.
"I have always found Jackie a top quality and dedicated public servant, and I am genuinely sad that she is leaving under these circumstances," said Mrs Turia.
"Jackie is sincere and compassionate and, as a mother herself, she was always wanting the best for the children in her care.
"She managed a department which had been subjected to continual change and mounting pressures over many years. Jackie always tried to take a positive approach to things, even knowing that her staff are confronted, day in and day out, with work that is often frustrating and emotionally draining, dealing with the worst aspects of our society.
"This situation was not of her making, and it is a reflection of Jackie's integrity and character that she has offered to resign, to enable her successor to make a fresh start.
"I see that as an honourable thing, and I certainly wish Jackie well," said Mrs Turia.