Pay Attention Health Minister
Media Release
11 November 2003
Pay Attention Health Minister
New Zealand First health spokesperson Pita Paraone is calling on the Minister of Health to take off her urban blinkers and take heed of the dire health and safety crisis that Dunstan Hospital is facing.
“I admire the members of the Central Otago Health Services Board for their stance in threatening to resign unless funding is guaranteed forthwith, however I think it is appalling that they need to go to these lengths,” said Mr Paraone.
“The frustration they are experiencing in trying to get a simple answer from the Minister to commit funds to an urgent upgrade of Dunstan Hospital is a sad indictment on the parlous state of our health system.
“The verbal assurances received over the past three years have proven to be hollow and it is simply arrogant for this government to continue ignoring the plight of the people of Central Otago.
“I join the board in insisting on urgent written confirmation from the Health Minister, Annette King, that Dunstan Hospital will be upgraded immediately,” said Mr Paraone.