Government Must Fix CYFS
Media Release
12 November 2003
Government Must Fix CYFS
“The review of the deaths of Saliel Aplin and Olympia Jetson is yet another devastating commentary on the ineptitude of CYFS,” said New Zealand First family affairs spokesperson Barbara Stewart.
“This further example of systemic failure where policy and guidelines were not followed must bring a response from the Government that recognises that the CYFS model is flawed and that much more can be done to ensure that education, police, health and welfare agencies work more collaboratively.
“The price of failure is the loss of young lives and it is totally unacceptable,” said Mrs. Stewart.
“Whilst CYFS clearly could have done a better job the ongoing picture of families in crisis and services operating in isolation presents a gloomy outlook for our most vulnerable sector of society.
“Child protection should be a priority for a Government which has been clearly diverted by its pursuit of the politically correct. Privacy issues must be put aside and the safety of at-risk children put first.
“It is New Zealand children’s birthright to have a safe environment to grow-up in. These children are our future and must be safeguarded against violent behaviour. It is time for this Government to get tough on crimes towards children and the only way to do that is to ensure that CYFS works the way it is supposed to and works in conjunction with all other social agencies,” said Mrs Stewart.