Parker Faces Dunking Over Project Aqua
Parker Faces Dunking Over Project Aqua
Wednesday 10 Dec 2003 Gerry Eckhoff Press Releases -- Other
Otago MP David Parker's failure to front for the Resource Management (Aquaculture Moratorium Extension) Amendment Bill's first reading, could spell curtains for his Parliamentary career, ACT New Zealand Rural Affairs Spokesman Gerry Eckhoff predicted today.
"Project Aqua is the most important issue facing the Otago region since the controversial Clyde Dam project. Mr Parker's absence today speaks volumes about his commitment to the people of Otago," said Mr Eckhoff, the only Otago-based MP to speak against the Bill.
"Mr Parker must stand up for the community he purports to represent. Unfortunately, Labour MPs have a nasty habit of representing their caucus's decisions to the electorate, rather than vice versa.
"He has a duty to represent the concerns of the Otago community. If he's not prepared to do that, then he should resign, or face being turfed out at the next election," Mr Eckhoff said.
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