ACT Will Release Research Findings
ACT Will Release Research Findings
Tuesday 23 Dec 2003 Richard Prebble Press Releases -- Other
ACT Leader Richard Prebble said today the ACT Caucus had discussed some groundbreaking research that the ACT research unit, using the parliamentary library, had compiled on government programmes for Maori.
"The research is a serious and rigorous piece of work. It does reveal that the amount of money being spent is significantly greater than government has ever admitted. It also shows that the taxpayer and Maori are getting a very poor return.
"The ACT Caucus has been concerned that the research will inevitably be attacked as `Maori-bashing'. This is not our intention. The ACT party, like all reasonable New Zealanders, wants to see Maori succeeding, and we are distressed by the statistics that the government itself uses showing Maori over-represented in social distress.
"Part of ACT's role is to keep the government honest. The public is entitled to know where its taxpayer dollars are going and to make judgements over the value of expenditure.
"Accordingly the Caucus has decided that we will release our research findings in full in the new year. We intend to make the release as a comprehensive document rather than seeking sensational headlines.
"The research does raise serious questions for all New Zealanders not just Maori. It's ACT's view that the government's approach and policies to Maori issues are failing and what is needed is fresh new ideas," Mr Prebble said.
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