Supporting constructive workplace partnerships
13 October 2004
Supporting constructive workplace partnerships
State Services Minister Trevor Mallard and Labour Minister Paul Swain today announced a new Partnership Resource Centre to help employers and unions build positive relationships in the workplace.
Paul Swain said constructive relationships between employers and unions have an important role in achieving workplace innovation, productivity growth and improved service delivery.
"It’s not always possible for employers and unions to agree on issues, but the partnership concept is about both parties working through conflict in ways that preserve the ongoing nature of the employment relationships.
Trevor Mallard said many state sector agencies have now realised the benefits of partnership-based relationships, such as the Partnership for Quality model.
"The Government is keen to see such benefits extended into the wider economy. The Partnership Resource Centre will be an advocate for partnership approaches in both the private and public sectors, providing support to organisations for partnership initiatives," Trevor Mallard said. Support will include advising on partnership projects, assisting with conflict resolution, facilitating meetings and negotiations, and assisting with communications. The Centre will have a research function and will promote success stories through conferences and training assistance.
The government has invested $1 million in the Centre for 2004/2005, which will operate as a semi-autonomous unit attached to the Department of Labour. An Advisory Board will be established to provide guidance and advice to the Centre.