Waioru Terms of Reference released
Wed, 3 Nov 2004
Terms of Reference released
Work has begun on the Ministerial Review into allegations of abuse at the Regular Force Cadet School at Waiouru.
Former High Court Judge, Hon David Morris has begun work on the Ministerial Review into allegations of abuse at the Regular Force Cadet School at Waiouru.
Defence Minister Mark Burton says that all claims and views raised by former cadets will be evaluated in context, and investigated in a neutral manner.
"We want to ensure that former cadets and their families who have concerns can air them and be listened to. I encourage anyone who has not yet done so to either ring freephone 0800 222 044 or email mburton@ministers.govt.nz
"Details of all those who have already contacted my office or the Defence Force will be transferred to Mr Morris, who will contact them directly."
David Morris will present his report and any appropriate recommendations to the Defence Minister by 31 March 2005.
Terms of Reference, Ministerial Review into Allegations of Abuse at the Regular Force Cadet School
1 Allegations have been made concerning the abuse of cadets at the Regular Force Cadet School. Accordingly, the Government has decided that it is desirable that an assessment should be made of:
a) The behaviour and treatment of cadets at the Regular Force Cadet School from 1948-1991; b) The events surrounding the killing of Cadet Grant Bain in 1981; and c) Other related matters
2 I, Mark Burton, Minister of Defence, have appointed Hon David Morris as Independent Assessor to review and assess the available information in order to report to me on the matters of concern.
i. Review and assess the information received by the Minister of Defence and the NZDF from ex cadets and their families and other parties (including Ian Fraser and the media) both prior to and during the course of this assessment;
ii. Review all relevant information held by the NZDF and other sources;
iii. Separate issues of alleged general mistreatment from those that may amount to criminal offending;
iv. Review and assess the events surrounding the death of Cadet Grant Bain including meeting with his family, if they wish, so that any outstanding issues can be identified and addressed;
v. Identify allegations outside the scope of this assessment and ensure that they are referred for appropriate action to the responsible organisation;
In respect of the Assessment
vi. I will make available all material and information provided to me. The NZDF will make available such historical and current material as is available;
vii. The assessor may use any other sources of information considered to be useful in informing the assessment;
viii. The assessor will consult as required in order to contribute to the assessment. It is expected that the following will be consulted: New Zealand Defence Force, New Zealand Police, The Crown Law Office.
ix. The assessor is required to present a report to me in writing not later than 31 March 2005 together with such recommendations as appropriate.