Fraser's resignation solves nothing
Fraser's resignation solves nothing
National's Broadcasting spokeswoman, Georgina te Heuheu, says Ian Fraser's resignation will not solve the "vast array of problems" at TVNZ.
Mr Fraser, TVNZ's Chief Executive, resigned this evening, having lost confidence in the state broadcaster's board.
"It's hardly surprising that Mr Fraser lost confidence in a board stacked with Steve Maharey's political appointees. He was working in an environment wide open to political interference, both from Government to board, and from board to management," says Mrs te Heuheu.
"Ian Fraser may have gone but the fact remains that Labour's broadcasting formula is unworkable.
"The requirements of TVNZ's charter do not sit at all comfortably with the requirements of a commercial operation in a cutthroat market.
"The job was already difficult enough, political interference would have made it near impossible. Something had to give but Mr Fraser's exit will not stop TVNZ's dramatic slide in the ratings.
"Steve Maharey should take a long hard look at his fancy broadcasting formula and decide how bad things have to get before he finally admits defeat," says Mrs te Heuheu.