Hodgson dodgy on Lake Alice payout
Dr Jonathan Coleman
National Party Associate Health
Spokesman (Mental Health)
26 October 2006
Hodgson dodgy on Lake Alice payout
Continued delays in paying out compensation to Paul Zentfeld, a claimant in the Lake Alice compensation case, are completely unsatisfactory, says National's Associate Health spokesman (Mental Health), Dr Jonathan Coleman.
"After experiencing outrageous treatment in Lake Alice Hospital, the claimants agreed to settle with the Ministry of Health in two separate compensation rounds," says Dr Coleman.
"Mr Zentfeld had $35,000 secretly lopped off his compensation payment by the Ministry of Health, and found out about it quite by chance. He took the Ministry to court and won.
"Rather than paying up with good grace, the Government is appealing against the decision in the High Court. This is obviously because Mr Hodgson knows that the implication of this decision is that up to $3 million will need to be paid to the other second-round claimants who had part of their compensation secretly withheld.
"The Labour Party keeps droning on about social justice, but when they get the chance to actually apply some they duck for cover.
"Minister Hodgson needs to stop dodging the issue, write the cheque to Mr Zentfeld, and pay back any money that his Ministry rightfully owes the 87 other second-round claimants."