Public Broadcasting Despite Charter
Media Release
14 November 2006
Public Broadcasting Despite Charter
New Zealand First welcomes the announcement of government support of TVNZ’s move into digital television, saying that at long last there is an opportunity to provide a better public broadcasting service.
“Despite the best efforts of TVNZ, the experiment with the charter has clearly failed,” said Broadcasting spokesperson Pita Paraone.
“TVNZ’s irrational dual role of a commercially driven broadcaster that is simultaneously constrained by the charter has succeeded at little other than widespread viewer dissatisfaction and frustration, evidenced by poor ratings.
“TVNZ now has the chance to regain support by using digital technology to enhance the viewing experience for New Zealanders who want to watch quality television that reflects our culture, and also the rest of the world. American studios are not the only television content providers.
“This move into the digital era is an opportunity that TVNZ needs to exploit to the maximum. A modern democracy such as New Zealand clearly needs a public broadcasting model,” said Mr Paraone.