Palliative Care Funding Step In Right Direction
Media Release
20 December 2006
Palliative Care
Funding Step In Right Direction
The extra $4.7 million funding given to palliative care services will be helpful but the Government should not rest on its laurels says New Zealand First’s health spokesperson Barbara Stewart.
“Hospice New Zealand has 37 hospices caring for around 8,000 terminally people each year.
“Cancer sufferers make up 90% of those treated although patients suffering from other terminal illnesses also need hospice care. According to Hospice New Zealand since 1999 there has been an increase of 41% in hospices services.
“Many of us, sooner or later, will either need hospice care or will know someone who does.
“Most of us are aware of the public fundraising which takes place every year for the hospice movement. This is necessary because hospices are only partially Government funded – 53% according to Hospice New Zealand – the rest has to be raised by fundraising within the community.
“This is hardly a vote of confidence in the health system and we hope that the Government regards this latest payment as just another step in the process of improving access to palliative care,” said Mrs Stewart.