Caregivers Make A Difference For Young People
Caregivers Make A Difference For Young People
Young people will benefit thanks to the hard work of
caregivers, said Youth Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta.
“Caregivers play a vital part, especially with the help
they provide young people,” said Nanaia Mahuta.
“It is not an easy role and the responsibility they take on in looking after vulnerable children and young people is huge.
“I am grateful there are people in our communities prepared to offer guidance and love to our children and youth in difficult times,” said Nanaia Mahuta. Foster Care Awareness week (29 October – 4 November) highlights the work of caregivers throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
There are currently 2,380 Maori and Pacific Island children and young people in foster care, and Nanaia Mahuta said this highlights the importance of having caring foster families, and she congratulated all foster families – Pakeha, Pacific and Maaori – for caring for children of all backgrounds.
“Caregivers are at the frontline of the support structure for our young people,” said Nanaia Mahuta. “They will make a difference in the lives of young people. The care they provide will help our youth make sound life choices in the future.”
The theme for the week is ‘Look after yourself’ and caregivers are encouraged to take care of themselves and to join caregiver support organisations, which includes the New Zealand Family and Foster Care Federation.
Child Youth and Family pay the first year’s membership to join a local foster association or support group, with free training available through Child, Youth and Family and the New Zealand Family and Foster Care Federation.
“Caregivers should know there is support available for them. The work they do will make a huge difference in young people’s lives and they should be applauded,” said Nanaia Mahuta.