Laws To Learn The Hard Health Lesson
Laws To Learn The Hard Health Lesson
Wanganui District Health Boardmember Michael Laws' enthusiasm for representing his community is laudable - but he will soon learn that he is expected to do nothing more than tow the Labour Government line, ACT New Zealand Health Spokesman Heather Roy said today.
"In fact, Mr Laws will learn this very soon - at his first DHB meeting he will be informed that his only job is to, not cater to his community's health needs but, implement Labour's health policies," Mrs Roy said.
"Should Mr Laws ignore this advice, and continue to put his community's health needs above all else - as would be expected from an elected DHB member - he will find himself silenced like David Tranter on the West Coast, Erin Baker in Canterbury and so many others around the country.
"Unfortunately, Mr Laws is about to learn the hard way what many New Zealanders already know: that DHB members have no choice but to obey their political masters, and are given no power to speak of with which to effect meaningful change for the better health of their communities," Mrs Roy said.