Answers needed on damning AG report
Tony Ryall MP National Party Health Spokesman
11 November 2007
Answers needed on damning AG report
The Health Minister needs to provide the public with explanations about the way the Auckland District Health Board is managing conflicts of interest, says National Party Health spokesman, Tony Ryall.
"David Cunliffe must reveal why, according to last week's scathing report by the Auditor-General, the Auckland District Health Board has taken no action to improve the way it handles conflicts of interest in light of the half-billion dollar lab contract bungle.
"After all the public flack, the Auditor-General is saying nothing has been done. This suggests an arrogant disregard by the ADHB over what's happened.
"Has the Auckland District Health Board learnt nothing from this fiasco?
"The previous Health Minister considered that managing conflicts was the responsibility of the individual boards. But what happens when nothing is happening? Who takes charge then?
"Now that David Cunliffe is 'running the show' he needs to get this matter sorted. History can't be allowed to repeat itself.
"It's a sorry debacle that has caused untold disruption, stress and wasted precious health resources."