Reappointment to Accounting Standards Review Board
Minister confirms reappointment to Accounting Standards Review Board
Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel today announced the reappointment of Ken Warren to his second five-year term on the Accounting Standards Review Board (ASRB), which is responsible for reviewing and approving New Zealand's financial reporting standards.
"Mr Warren's 28 years of experience in public sector accounting has provided a valuable perspective to the ASRB so I am pleased that he has agreed to continue to provide the board with the benefit of his expertise. His perspective will help ensure the board continues to consider the implications of financial reporting standards on the public sector," Lianne Dalziel said.
Mr Warren is currently a Chief Accounting Advisor at the Treasury and prior to that, worked in the Audit Office for 11 years.
Biographical Notes on Ken
Mr Warren has worked at the Treasury since 1990.
His first role was as Manager for Financial Management
Operations where he and his team compiled the first set of
Government financial statements to comply with generally
accepted accounting practice. He has also been responsible
for the Treasury's quality assurance function over financial
management in government departments.
During his time in the Audit Office, Mr Warren rose to Director level and had responsibility for the audits of the Public Accounts, the New Zealand Dairy Board and the New Zealand Apple and Pear Marketing Boards.
Mr Warren has been a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand (ICANZ) Public Sector Committee since 1994 and a member of the ICANZ Financial Reporting Standards Board (the body that prepares accounting standards) since 1998. He currently chairs that board's Public Benefit Entity Working Group. He has been a member of the International Federation of Accountants' Public Sector Steering Committee on accounting for non-reciprocal revenue. In 2000, he was recognised for his contribution to the profession by being named a Fellow of ICANZ.