New ways of thinking key to future prosperity
Hon Jim Anderton
Minister of Agriculture, Minister for
Minister of Fisheries, Minister of Forestry
Associate Minister of Health
Associate Minister for
Tertiary Education
Progressive Leader
28 November 2007
New ways of thinking key to future prosperity
"Innovation, new ways of thinking and new partnerships are essential if we are going ton meet the challenges of today's global trading environment, Jim Anderton said today.
As Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Jim Anderton is host to the 20/20 Primary Industries Summit 2007 being held in Christchurch todayand tomorrow. Over 350 delegates are attending the summit, which has attracted key primary industries leaders.
"It is vital to New Zealand's economy that we further develop our competitive advantages in the global economy," Jim Anderton said.
"This is particularly true given our distance from many of our markets can the very real concerns to which the world has woken up about climate change.
"For all the challenges, however, there are great opportunities - if we have the vision to seize them.
"It is the first occasion since 1963 that has brought together business leaders from all sectors of New Zealand's primary industries.
"Over the two days, a highly skilled and stimulating range of international and New Zealand speakers will challenge and provoke debate on the key issues that we are facing. I hope that delegates will come away inspired to look at new partnerships and ways of doing things to take us successfully to the eyar 2020," Jim Anderton said.
"This summit is about setting in place long-term strategies to position New Zealand to take advantage of the opportunities that our changing world will bring."