US cracks down in illegal timber imports
US cracks down in illegal timber imports, why not NZ
The United States Senate has passed a law cracking down on the import of illegally sourced wood products, while the New Zealand Government is still failing to act. It’s time for the Government to stop the import of illegal timber products into New Zealand.
“The New Zealand Government took a strong position against deforestation at the Bali Climate Conference, because deforestation is responsible for 20% of all emissions globally. Now the NZ Government must back up its words with actions,” says Dr. Russel Norman, Green Co-leader.
“Most of the timber being taken out of the forests of Asia and the Pacific is taken illegally against the will of the people living in those forests. If they resist the logging companies they are arrested or even killed by corrupt government officials. We need to pass a law that outlaws the import of illegally sourced timber products into New Zealand.
“The US Senate’s new law makes it illegal to knowingly import, sell, buy or transport illegally-sourced wood products, and enables U.S. enforcement agencies to crack down on illegal timber traffickers. This is a step forward.
“It’s time for us to stop importing illegal timber into New Zealand and the Greens will continue their campaign against illegally sourced wood products such as outdoor furniture with a picket in Wellington tomorrow outside one of the shops selling uncertified wooden furniture.”