National to deliver on PlunketLine
Tony Ryall MP
National Party Health Spokesman
14 October 2008
National to deliver on PlunketLine
National Party Health spokesman Tony Ryall is disappointed that Labour’s maternity policy has no room for the trusted PlunketLine Service.
“Helen Clark promised in 1999 that she would fund the PlunketLine service for 24 hours a day. She said she would increase resources. In 2006, her Government moved to axe PlunketLine funding.
“National is pleased to be able to restore this service, for the sake of the thousands of families that will benefit from it.”
Mr Ryall says Steve Chadwick has badly miscued in her attempt to dismiss National’s Maternity Care policies.
“What she’s telling us today is that more of the same is just fine with Labour. When will this Government wake up and realise that maternity care is in crisis?
“Up and down the country women are struggling to find midwives, and then once they reach the hospital they’re being told to leave early, or they’re left to feed their new babys in the waiting room outside a public toilet.
“This is a disgraceful situation and Steve Chadwick should not be defending it.”
Mr Ryall says if National’s policy is as Ms Chadwick describes a pale imitation of Labour’s policy, she needs to explain a few things.
“Where’s the voluntary bonding of midwives and doctors in hard-to-staff areas?
“Where’s the PlunketLine funding? Where’s the plan to fix any of the problems facing new and expectant mums?”