National ignores due process in Hawke’s Bay
National ignores due process in Hawke’s Bay
The Minister of Health David Cunliffe says the
National Party is putting petty electioneering ahead of the
health needs and interests of the people of Hawke’s
“I have always had the interests of the people of Hawke’s Bay at heart. I was seriously concerned with the situation at the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and the impact this could have on the delivery of health services to the people of Hawke’s Bay.”
“I find it extraordinary that given the fact the matter is now in the hands of the court and with a hearing scheduled in November, that National leader John Key would again jump the gun on due process.”
“I am amazed that Mr Key was not prepared to prudently wait and see what the outcome of the ratepayer sponsored judicial review into the former board’s dismissal will produce,” said Mr Cunliffe
“The claims of pre determination and a failure to disclose relevant material are ridiculous. The decision was made in good faith, there was no pre determination and all relevant material was properly disclosed.”
“It seems idiotic to threaten the people of the Hawke’s Bay with the old board given all the excellent work that the Commissioner Sir John Anderson is doing to address the deficit and repair the rift in governance that occurred in the past.”