Minister welcomes TUANZ ICT manifesto
Hon David Cunliffe
Minister for Communications and
Information Technology
4 November 2008 Media
Minister welcomes TUANZ ICT manifesto
Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe says the manifesto paper released today by TUANZ, Towards a National Digital Architecture, provides valuable input into discussions on New Zealand’s ICT future.
“The paper endorses and promotes many of the policies the Labour-led government has already introduced through our pro-competitive regulatory reforms and the Operational Separation of Telecom NZ.
“We are determined to build on the positive results of these reforms through the $500million Broadband Investment Fund which is open access, technology neutral and requires a high level of private co-investment.
“Labour has announced that it could bring forward the timing of the first $500million under the Fund and is now actively investigating bringing forward the second $500million investment round. This will see public and private investment top $3billion.
“We agree with TUANZ that it is only through ultra-fast broadband or similar high-bandwidth technologies that we can overcome our tyranny of distance to communicate and do business nationally and globally through improved ICT capability.
“I welcome TUANZ’s contribution in the area of cybersecurity and system integration, and investment efficiency – all of which have been key themes of Digital Strategy 2.0.
“It is pleasing that many of the ideas in the TUANZ manifesto build on the work the government has already undertaken. I look forward to continuing discussions with TUANZ after the election,” said Mr Cunliffe.