The Mapp Report - Wayne Mapp
The Mapp Report - Wayne Mapp
Looking forward
It is now two weeks since the election. The new government has been sworn in, and is now hard at work.
The actual changeover took place at 11.00am
on Wednesday, with the Prime Minister and Ministers being
confirmed in a special ceremony involving the
Governor-General. The first Cabinet meeting was held the
same afternoon. It was not just a ceremonial meeting; real
work was done.
There is a sense of action and
responsibility. There is no doubt we take office at a very
challenging time for the country. New Zealanders are
looking to us to quickly act. Crucial economic issues are
facing us all.
Innovation and prosperity
The Research Science and Technology portfolio, along with Associate portfolios in Tertiary Education and Economic Development are very much focussed around New Zealand’s economic prosperity. Together they represent the opportunity available to us. There is a huge expectation that National will find a way to cut through the complexity of bureaucracy and conflicting objectives. We have to more effectively harness the hundreds of millions of dollars spent in these areas to enable New Zealand to achieve a higher growth path.
Troops to Timor-Leste
Yesterday I undertook my first official visit to Ohakea to farewell the troops leaving for Timor-Leste. The contingent, drawn largely from the Army’s Linton-based 16 Field Regiment, flew out of the Ohakea Air Base this morning.
I was delighted to meet some of the Kiwi Service personnel who were working around the world advancing the cause of peace and security. The work of our Defence Force Personnel deployed on overseas missions is something that every New Zealander can be proud of. New Zealand has made a fantastic contribution to various United Nations and peace keeping efforts in Timor-Leste since 1999.
There is an important role for New Zealand to be an active participant in mechanisms designed to reinforce peace and stability – especially in our Asia-Pacific region. I believe the high standards and levels of integrity that our Defence Force men and women conduct themselves with are a credit to all New Zealanders.
Today I presented the awards the New Zealand Business Excellence Awards. The awards were set up 15 years ago by leading New Zealand businesspeople, including Sir Doug Myers, Ralph Norris, Stephen Trotter, and sponsored by then Prime Minister Rt Hon Jim Bolger. Many of these people have gone on to world
It is noteworthy that these awards are the only New Zealand business awards that meet international criteria, and are fully aligned to the acclaimed US Baldrige system. The Baldrige System is the only internationally calibrated, organisation wide business excellence framework in the world.
The awards are focussed on:
Focus on the future
The awards come in levels, including gold and silver. Only three gold awards have been made in the 15 year history of the awards; including last year’s award to New Zealand Aluminium Smelters in 2007, a company with an international reputation.
This year’s Gold award to Vero is a real testament to their world leading performance. The two Silver awards to Kerridge and Partners, and to Whangarei District Council show their commitment to excellence.
New Zealand will only succeed if business succeeds. We will only keep our best and most talented people and companies if they see a future here. This is the challenge facing us all; in government, in business and the community. The country is looking forward to the challenge. They want a brighter future. These awards show the pathway forward to excellence.
21 November 2008
SuperBlues Luncheon Club
Come and hear Wayne discuss his portfolios.
24 November
12.30pm – 2.00pm
Taitamariki Hall