So Much For A 'Life' Sentence
So Much For A 'Life' Sentence
David Garrett MP, ACT
New Zealand
Tuesday, October 20 2009
ACT New Zealand Law & Order Spokesman David Garrett was today appalled to learn that Andrew Peter McGlynn – believed to be New Zealand's most recalled 'lifer' – is to be recalled to prison just three months after being released on parole for the fourth time.
"McGlynn and others like him are living evidence of the need for ACT's 'Three Strikes' policy and proves that claims 'Three Strikes' would not work are simply nonsense," Mr Garrett said.
"A Black Power member, McGlynn was originally sentenced to 'life' for murder 23 years ago. He was released after a mere nine years, only to be recalled following an armed robbery. He was released again in 2003, and recalled a second time after another armed robbery. A couple of years later he was released yet again, and recalled after assaulting a female.
is an intelligent and articulate criminal who has been able
to fool the Parole Board - not once, but four times - and
gain release to go on to further serious offending.
most recent parole was on 10 special conditions –
including continuing to take medication for long time mental
illness, and abstaining from drugs and alcohol. He lasted
less than three months before seriously breaching his parole
conditions and evading capture for two days after crashing a
"He is also a perfect example of the type of offender who would have been prevented from offending long ago had ACT's 'Three Strikes' law been in place. Assuming he was released in the first place from the 'life' sentence for murder - which would be his first 'strike' - he would have received 14 years for the aggravated robbery committed in 2003, thus saving the female victim who suffered at his hands shortly thereafter. McGlynn would, in fact, have been in jail for his latest armed robbery until 2017.
"Once he is recalled, McGlynn should never again be released – lest he join the 12 other offenders who have served a 'life' sentence for murder only to kill again upon release," Mr Garrett said.