Submissions on broadband complementary measures
Hon Steven Joyce
for Communications and Information
27 October
2009 Media Statement
Govt extends time for submissions on
broadband complementary measures
The government has extended the time available for interested parties to make submissions on the ultra-fast broadband complementary measures discussion document.
The document outlines measures being considered to facilitate the deployment of broadband infrastructure by local fibre companies and other telecommunications companies.
Communications and Information Technology Minister Steven Joyce says there has been considerable interest in the discussion document and the workshops held by MED, with a number of stakeholders requesting an extension to the date for submissions.
“These measures will be instrumental in the successful roll-out of ultra-fast and high-speed broadband infrastructure. I’m keen for stakeholders to engage as fully as possible with the proposals and provide well thought out suggestions and feedback.
“In this context, I have decided to provide more time for submissions.”
The discussion document was released earlier this month and interested parties had until 6 November to make a submission. This has been extended to 27 November.
Submitters will also have the opportunity to make cross-submissions until 11 December.