Labour pays its respects to Tia Barrett
15 November 2009
Media Statement
Labour pays its respects to Tia Barrett
The sudden death of respected diplomat Tia Barrett has saddened politicians across Parliament and he will be sorely missed, says Labour’s Maori Affairs spokesperson Parekura Horomia.
“Tia was New Zealand’s High Commissioner in the Cook Islands, until his sudden illness brought him home just a week ago.
”He has previously held a range of senior overseas diplomatic posts, as well as a number of senior posts within the New Zealand public service,” Parekura Horomia said.
‘’Tia was a true gentlemen. He also had a detailed understanding of the Pacific and an ability to use his own whakapapa and knowledge of tikanga to build bridges with our Pacific neighbours.
”Our hearts go out to his family at this very sad time. Tia will be missed by many, as will the many attributes and skills this senior Maori diplomat brought to our work in the Pacific.’’