Minister invites civil disobedience
15 December 2009
Media Statement
Minister invites civil disobedience
Moves to silence teachers and principals from criticising the Minister of Education and Anne Tolley's threat to sack boards of trustees who allow staff to boycott the National Standards are like a red rag to a bull, says Kelvin Davis.
“They have indicated they are prepared to challenge a law they believe may jeopardise student achievement.
“If the Minister was prepared to set up a trial to test National Standards’ effectiveness before imposing them nationwide it may avert civil disobedience from educators,” Kelvin Davis says.
“Principals and teachers should be applauded for standing up to the Minister's threats.
“The Minister is so out of touch with the sector she can only manage to recycle one email from one principal who supports National Standards while downplaying the resolution of 80 principals in the Tai Tokerau to boycott National Standards next year until more is known about the effects on student achievement.
“Such is the Minister’s disdain for educational matters that during the polytechnic debate in Parliament today she sat in her chair writing Christmas cards instead of participating in the debate about legislation she is in charge of.
“I think she may get a little surprise at the numbers of schools who call her bluff and stand up to her pompous threats,” Kelvin Davis says.
“She's hiding behind a law that is two parts myth and one part bluster. Te Tai Tokerau principals are prepared to risk their livelihoods because of strongly held doubts about the effectiveness of National Standards.”