Support for bill to amalgamate of electoral agencies
Hon Simon Power Minister of Justice
24 November 2010
Media Statement
Wide support for bill to complete amalgamation of electoral agencies
A bill which completes the amalgamation of New Zealand's electoral agencies passed its first reading in Parliament last night with unanimous support.
The Electoral (Administration) Amendment Bill (No. 2) transfers the functions of the Chief Registrar of Electors to the new Electoral Commission.
It is the second and final stage of the Government's consolidation of electoral agencies. It was introduced after the new Electoral Commission took over the functions of the Chief Electoral Officer and the old Electoral Commission on October 1.
"This bill will ensure the new Electoral Commission will be a one-stop for all electoral matters from 1 October 2012," Mr Power said.
"The amalgamation was undertaken in two stages to minimise risks to the administration of next year's general election."
The bill also amends the Electoral Act 1993 to give effect to three recommendations made by the Justice and Electoral Select Committee following their inquiry into the 2008 general election.
The bill also amends the Electoral Act to give electors the choice to re-enrol and update their details online without having to complete and sign a written form.