Cancún meeting important step towards binding deal
Hon Dr Nick
Minister for
Climate Change Issues
December 2010
Media Statement
Cancún meeting
important step towards binding deal
Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith heads to Cancún, Mexico today for the high level ministerial section of the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
“New Zealand is determined to do its fair share on the global challenge of climate change and re-gather momentum from last year’s conference in Copenhagen,” Dr Smith said.
“Expectations last year were unrealistically high and it is important that steady progress is made at Cancún. What New Zealand will be seeking is a balanced package of decisions that build on the Copenhagen Accord signed by New Zealand in February this year. The Accord, signed by 140 of 194 United Nations member countries, provides the framework for more progress to be made.
“New Zealand goes into the negotiations in good shape. We are on target to meet our Kyoto Protocol obligations. The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research launched in Copenhagen has been well received with 30 countries now part of it. The newly introduced emissions trading scheme is showing real dividends in increasing investment in renewable generation and in afforestation. We have also introduced a raft of complementary programmes on home insulation, solar hot water, clean home heating, waste reduction initiatives and incentives for electric cars and biofuels.
“The significant international roles being played by International Climate Change Negotiations Minister Tim Groser as Chair of the Committee on mitigation and measurement, reporting and verification, as well as our former Climate Change Ambassador Adrian Macey as Vice-Chair of the Kyoto Protocol shows New Zealand is well regarded in these climate change negotiations.
“I will be presenting New Zealand’s national statement at the conference on Thursday in which I will be re-stating our commitment to helping ensure this negotiation moves forward on a comprehensive, legally-binding global agreement that will limit emissions and the environmental damage from anthropogenic climate change.”