Gov recognises importance of location-based information
Hon Maurice Williamson
for Land Information
15 December 2010
Government recognises importance of location-based information
People will soon benefit from more open and accessible information on their communities and environment, Land Information Minister Maurice Williamson says.
Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) through the New Zealand Geospatial Office (NZGO) will lead the development of a national framework – a spatial data infrastructure – that connects people and users of location-based or geospatial information.
Geospatial information describes the location and names of features beneath, on or above the earth's surface. This can mean the basic topographical information found on a map, but also data on land use and population density.
Often this information is collected multiple times by different agencies and organisations and in different formats, meaning data is not compatible with other data and its potential use is limited.
By establishing a spatial data infrastructure, information will be more easily available and government agencies will have better access to the information, be able to extract better value from their own data, and find and access previously invisible data.
Human activity depends on location based information, that is: knowing where things are. People will be able to use the information like a virtual infrastructure.
Spatial data provides infrastructure to information much like roading provides access to cities by connecting all the vital points.
Once developed a spatial data infrastructure will create several benefits to the New Zealand public including a more accessible, accountable government and better support for community planning and development.
Good examples of linked geospatial data include the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s FarmsOnline project and the Ministry for the Environment’s Land Use and Carbon Analysis System.
The economic benefits of geospatial information were documented in a 2009 report, which estimates that geospatial information contributed about 1.2 billion dollars to the New Zealand’s economy in 2008.