Fitzsimons contributes to compassionate economy project
12 August 2011
Jeanette Fitzsimons contributes to Green Party compassionate economy project
The Green Party continues its online project exploring New Zealand women’s visions of a “compassionate economy” with a contribution from former Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons on Sunday.
The Green Party has invited several New Zealand women, prominent in their fields and communities, to share their visions of a compassionate economy in a series of short opinion pieces to be published online. The second in the series is a contribution from former Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons on caring for our grandchildren and our planet in a compassionate economy.
“Jeanette’s piece artfully connects the dots between concern for our people, our planet, and our economy” Mrs Turei said.
“She approaches the question of what a compassionate economy might look like through the eyes of a grandmother, and the resulting article is both moving and compelling.”
Ms Fitzsimons’ piece focuses especially on the issue of water quality, which Mrs Turei said was a major issue of concern for many New Zealanders.
“Our children (and grandchildren) have a birthright to swim in our rivers and experience our precious natural environment. Without significant policy changes, this right will be lost to the threats of pollution and climate change,” Mrs Turei said.
The Green Party’s Compassionate Economy project can be found online at
Jeanette Fitzsimons’ piece on caring for our grandchildren and our planet in a compassionate economy will go online on Sunday 14 August.