He Korowai Trust demonstrating ‘innovative leadership'
The Hon
Tariana Turia
Maori Party Co-Leader |
MP for Te Tai Hauauru
Maori Party
spokesperson for Housing
He Korowai Trust demonstrating ‘innovative leadership/
Maori Party co-leader and housing spokesperson, Tariana Turia, has congratulated He Korowai Trust, located in Kaitaia, for its ‘innovative leadership in achieving housing solutions for its people’.
“I have the utmost admiration for its CEO, Ricky Houghton, who has the gift of making things happen for his whanau, hapu and iwi” said Mrs Turia.
“Ricky has over twenty years experience in assisting his people into homes of their own. A key part of this strategy has also been in putting support in place to prevent mortgagee sales in the region”.
“The challenge with building homes on Maori land, is that it can often be difficult to find commercial funding to develop because of multiple ownership” said Mrs Turia. “It’s great to see the ASB has come alongside of He Korowai Trust, to help them establish a homelessness prevention unit”.
“I am also pleased to learn that the Minister of Housing will be asking the Social Housing Unit to consider supporting projects such as He Korowai Trust, as I believe such initiatives help to give expression to the aspirations of low income families to purchase a home”.
“The Maori Party is committed to supporting whanau, hapu and iwi by growing the volume of social and affordable housing.