Marie Laufiso brings Pasifika perspective to Green Party
Marie Laufiso brings Pasifika perspective to Green Party compassionate economy project
The Green Party continues its online project exploring New Zealand women's visions of a "compassionate economy" with a contribution from a Pasifika perspective by Marie Laufiso this Sunday.
The Green Party has invited several New Zealand women, prominent in their fields and communities, to share their visions of a compassionate economy in a series of short opinion pieces to be published online. The fourth in the series is a contribution from Marie Laufiso on a Pasifika perspective of a compassionate economy.
Marie Laufiso is a New Zealand-born Samoan community worker and activist based in Dunedin.
"Marie's piece is a powerful and passionate exploration of political and economic challenges from a uniquely Pasifika perspective," Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said.
"She writes frankly and engagingly, and challenges us to imagine an economy that works better for Pasifika people, alongside tangata whenua and other communities."
Mrs Turei said Marie Laufiso's piece was especially timely following the release of a report showing how child poverty disproportionately affects Maori and Pasifika children.
The Green Party's Compassionate Economy project can be found online at
Laufiso's piece offering a Pasifika perspective of a
compassionate economy will go online on Sunday 4