Improving Telecommunications In The Chatham Islands
Hon Amy Adams
Minister for
Communications and Information
16 August,
2012 Media
Improving Telecommunications In The Chatham Islands
Telecommunications providers are being asked for their input on the best way to deliver significant improvement in telecommunications for the Chatham Islands.
Communications and Information Technology Minister Amy Adams and Chatham Islands Mayor Alfred Preece today released details about the next stage of the process.
As part of the Rural Broadband Initiative, the Government approved a grant to the Chatham Islands Council to help secure better broadband connections for its three schools, Kaingaroa, Pitt Island and Te One.
“Given the unique challenges Chatham Islanders face as a result of their location, the Government has also agreed that telecommunication solutions that benefit the wider community should be explored at the same time,” Ms Adams says.
The Government and the Council now want to hear about innovative solutions that are available in the market to help students, businesses and medical providers access improved technology.
The Request for Information will be followed by a formal tender process which will ensure Chatham Islands residents can access modern communications technology.
For details about the Request for Information go to:
Responses are due by 5pm on Thursday, 13 September 2012.