Trading partners informed of contamination of food products
Hon Tim Groser
Minister of Trade
3 August 2013
New Zealand’s trading partners
informed of contamination of food products
Trade Minister Tim Groser has today
confirmed New Zealand is working closely with our trading
partners to keep them informed of the potential
contamination of some products, including follow-on infant
formula, made from whey protein concentrate contaminated
with the bacteria that causes botulism.
“As soon
as New Zealand authorities were notified of this risk, we
immediately acted to inform relevant authorities around the
world,” says Mr Groser.
“This has included
formally notifying Infosan, the World Health
Organisation’s international food safety regulators
network. As more information on this issue is confirmed we
will provide our trading partners with further updates.
“We understand that the markets to which
contaminated whey protein concentrate, or products using
this ingredient, has been exported are Australia, China,
Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Viet
“New Zealand authorities are working with
Fonterra to identify and trace all potentially affected
products and then inform regulators around the world,”
says Mr