Over 1000 schools register interest in managed network
14 August 2013
Over 1000 schools register
interest in managed network
Almost half of New Zealand schools have registered their interest in connecting to Network for Learning’s managed network, Associate Education Minister Nikki Kaye says.
“On Friday 2 August we announced the managed network for all New Zealand schools was beginning development and that schools could register their interest with Network for Learning (N4L). Since then 1161 of around 2500 schools had registered as of this morning,” Ms Kaye says.
“This is made up of 867 primary schools, 222 secondary and 72 composite schools.
“We did plenty of due diligence around the concept of a managed network and it certainly stacked up on paper. The fact that schools have been so quick to register their interest backs that up.
“The Government believes that by using digital technologies over the managed network, students will have access to a wider range of quality teaching and learning resources that can enhance their learning and engagement.
“From my experience of visiting schools around the country there is a huge thirst for more online learning. The managed network enables greater access to online learning.
“The first schools will be connected to N4L’s managed network by the end of this year. More than 700 schools will be connected by the end of 2014 and all schools will be invited to connect by 2016.
“Schools will be funded for an N4L package that includes access to the managed network providing quality fast connections, uncapped data, online content filtering and network security services.
“Registration is the first part of the process. I will be following over the coming months how many schools go the extra step of committing to connecting to the network.”
The managed network connects schools together via a secure data network, offering higher levels of service quality and support than has been available previously. It will also enable schools fast access to the internet and more predictable connections than most schools are using now.
The network will be centrally managed, meaning schools will no longer need to support their own internet connection, and this will help reduce related ICT complexity and costs.
Schools can register their interest in connecting to N4L, or find out more, through the website www.n4l.co.nz.