Heartland Losing Heart through Government Neglect
Andrew Williams MP
Spokesperson for
27 August 2013
Heartland Losing Heart through Government Neglect
New Zealand First says the Government is in denial about its neglect of regions and should start putting something back into the places that create our export wealth.
Commerce spokesperson Andrew Williams says Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce cannot keep brushing off serious questions about the way Heartland New Zealand is suffering by not getting adequate returns for its production.
“New Zealand First has a policy of paying 25 per cent of royalties collected by the Government from enterprises such as mining, extraction and petroleum to the region where the respective enterprise is located.
“The Government does not have a good track record in regional economic development and this regional policy could help address that underperformance.
“Rarely a day passes now without some regional enterprise closing or downsizing and most of the time this has been a direct consequence of government economic policy.
“People in the regions are warming to our policy and it’s time the Government did too.
“Unfortunately the only economic development under this Government relates to places like casinos and the Auckland real estate market,” says Mr Williams.