See our first TV Commercial here
See our first TV Commercial here
Today there is just
one month to go until Election Day.
National’s plan to keep working for New Zealand’s future is on track to deliver stronger economic growth, more jobs, more support to families, and safer, stronger communities.
Meanwhile the Labour-Green mess just keeps getting messier. Today the Greens have declared they want to be Co-Deputy-Prime-Ministers with an even bigger input into a Labour-Green Government.
Their combined spending promises have now hit a whopping $28.1 billion over four years - Labour alone has spent the next four budgets. And there’s still over four weeks of policy announcements to go.
Today we launched our first TV commercial for
this election, which sets the real agenda for this campaign
and the clear choice facing New Zealand voters - John Key
and National’s strong, stable leadership or the fractured
coalition of the left. Click here to view it now.
MMP makes
every election a close race. The only way to ensure another
strong, stable, John Key-led Government is by making sure
you and your friends give your party vote to National.