Labour will strengthen New Zealand's democracy
Labour will strengthen New Zealand's democracy
A Labour Government will act quickly to protect and enhance New Zealand’s reputation as one of the most open and least corrupt countries in the world, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says.
“The health of any democracy is improved by greater participation of its people.
“I am voting early today to encourage all New Zealanders to exercise their democratic rights and cast a vote before September 20.
“However, a robust and good government also requires voters have full confidence in its checks and balances.
“Unfortunately increasing numbers of New Zealanders no longer have faith in our democratic processes, do not believe politics is practised ethically and want greater transparency.
“This is unsurprising given
recent events suggesting systematic abuses of power which
lead back to the Beehive.
“New Zealanders rightly
expect full accountability and Labour will make it a
priority to clean up the National Government's mess to
achieve this.
“Labour will:
Establish a broad-ranging Commission of Inquiry to look into
concerning behaviour of Ministers and their staff.
Strengthen the power of the Ombudsman to investigate alleged
• Strengthen the rules and authority
of the Cabinet Manual.
• Work with other
parties to establish a Parliamentary code of ethics.
Increase Parliamentary accountability of the security
• Implement the recommendations of
the Electoral Commission to abolish coat-tailing.
Enhance awareness and understanding of democracy by adding
civics to the school curriculum.
“For democracy to thrive it must not only be done but it must be seen to be done.
“The Labour Government I lead will make sure all New Zealanders – of every political persuasion – can once again have faith and pride in our democracy,” David Cunliffe says.