Green Party Comments: New Marine Reserves on the West Coast
Media Comments From the Green Party Regarding New Marine Reserves on the West Coast
“Marine Reserves welcome but won't mask National's anti-environment agenda.
“The opening of five marine reserves on the West Coast is welcome and long overdue but maintains the percentage of New Zealand's waters in marine reserves at only 0.41%.
“National has had more than 6 years to protect our marine reserves but has chosen to open these reserves less than two weeks before Election Day simply as a stunt and to try and mask National's dire environmental track record.
“National is actively risking the waters we love with deep sea drilling and allowing lethal fishing nets in the Maui's dolphin sanctuary along with dangerous seismic testing and seabed mining permits.
“Nick Smith is reported to have recently described the current marine reserves law as a 'complete dog' and over two terms National has promised to modernise the law but have completely failed.
“Their lack of action speaks louder than their words.
“The Green Party have made protecting our rivers, beaches and Maui's dolphins a priority and will protect the places and species loved by all New Zealanders,” said Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes.