$5 in three years – maybe – the Nats’ tax fizzer
8 September 2014
$5 in three years – maybe –
the Nats’ tax fizzer
John Key’s tax cut tease might give working Kiwis $5 a week in three years’ time – maybe – showing once and for all that National has no plan and nothing left to offer, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says.
“National is so desperate to have something to say in this campaign John Key has resorted to a laughable promise of an undefined tax cut for an unclear number of people in three years.
“Given he has provided no firm figures we have to do the calculations for him. Lowering the second tax rate from 17.5% to 16.5% for a person on $40,000 would give them just $5 a week. That would take up the $500 million a year National has set aside.
“In contrast under Labour the minimum wage will rise by $2 an hour. Working Kiwis under a Labour Government will be better off in the space of three hours than they would under National in a week.
“Labour will make housing affordable, give our kids the best start in life and create better jobs with higher wages. We will do this through policies including:
• $60 a week for new parents
• $300 a year saved from power bills, through NZ Power
• $100 save from axed school donations
“All National has to offer is $5 a week in three years, maybe,” David Cunliffe said.