Increased uptake of free GP visits for under 13s
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
of Health
9 September 2015
Increased uptake of free GP visits for under 13s
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says 98 per cent of general practices across the country are now offering free GP visits for children aged under 13.
“Two months after the launch of free GP visits for under 13s, it’s fantastic to see such high uptake in the scheme which now covers 99 per cent of children under 13,” says Dr Coleman.
“As at 1 September 2015, just 19 general practices out of 1,012 have chosen not to provide free GP visits for under 13s. Five of those practices have indicated they will be opting in from 1 October.
“The majority of the practices which have chosen not to opt in are based in the Auckland region. More practices may choose to opt in at a later stage.
“Over 400,000 children will benefit from the scheme being expanded, taking the total number of children who are benefiting from free GP visits and prescriptions to over 750,000.
“The Government is committed to supporting families in giving their children the best possible start in life. Removing the cost barrier is making a real difference to thousands of families.”
On 1 July, all New Zealand children aged under 13 became eligible to access free visits with their enrolled general practice and after-hours services, as well as free prescriptions.
In Budget 2014 the Government committed $90 million over three years to extend free GP visits and prescriptions to children aged under 13.