Come on Labour, step up to the plate
Come on Labour, step up to the plate
release: ACT New Zealand
September 16,
"The Prime Minister has given Labour the chance to have the Red Peak flag added to the flag shortlist, which over 50,000 people want," says ACT Leader David Seymour.
"But Labour have added a proviso in their Bill today, that the first round of the referendum starts with a question as to whether you want the flag changed. That is daft.
"For most of us, the answer to that question depends on what the alternate flag is.
"The current process is the right one: choose an alternate flag, and make that one run off against the current flag.
"Labour should drop that requirement and meet with the Prime Minister to negotiate a way forward.
"If Labour want to negotiate further, they should insist on a delay to the two rounds of referenda. Give us all a chance to debate over the Christmas break, when families and the different generations get together.
"That way we might get a good result, and a win for all New Zealanders."