Dunedin Hospital redevelopment next steps
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
Minister of
17 September 2015
Dunedin Hospital redevelopment next steps
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman has today announced the next steps towards the redevelopment of Dunedin Hospital, including $22.5 million for interim works.
A Southern Partnership Group has been appointed to oversee the hospital redevelopment. The Group includes Chair Andrew Blair, Andrew Connolly, Dr Tony Lanigan and Richard Thomson. An additional clinical expert will also join the Group.
“The Government is committed to the redevelopment of Dunedin Hospital and ensuring the people of Southern receive the future health services they need,” says Dr Coleman.
“The Southern Partnership Group will provide governance oversight of the redevelopment process, working closely with the DHB and Commissioner.
“The Group’s first step will be to review current services and prepare the service planning component of the business case, which is now in the early stages.
“To be done well, hospital redevelopments take time - particularly in the early stages where considerable work is needed to define how services will work in the future and how best to configure them.”
The partnership group model has proven to be an effective mechanism for planning, service review, business case development, as well as construction. A similar process was followed for Christchurch and Greymouth hospital rebuilds.
The Government is providing $22.5 million for urgent hospital maintenance as well as upgrades to Gastroenterology, Audiology, and ICU.
“These projects will ensure the immediate demands around delivery of services continue to be met, while planning for the major redevelopment progresses,” says Dr Coleman.