Appointments to the Abortion Supervisory Committee
Hon Amy Adams
Minister of Justice
2 October 2015 Media
Appointments to the Abortion Supervisory Committee
Justice Minister Amy Adams today welcomed a new appointment and two reappointments of members to the Abortion Supervisory Committee.
Capital and Coast DHB counsellor Carolyn McIlraith has been appointed as a new member and Hamilton doctor Dr Tangimoana Habib and committee Chair Professor Dame Linda Holloway have been reappointed.
The appointments were subject to a conscience vote in Parliament and the warrants were finalised by the Governor-General.
“Ms McIlraith will bring a good balance of experience and expertise to this role and her skills in this area will be of great benefit to the committee. Both Dr Habib and committee chair Dame Linda have made a good contribution over the last three years and I’m pleased they will continue in their roles,” Ms Adams says.
The Abortion Supervisory Committee is constituted under the Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act 1977. The Act requires that two of the three member committee are medical practitioners.
The Committee’s functions and powers include:
• To keep under review all the provisions of abortion law, and the operation and effect of those provisions in practice.
• To receive, consider, grant, and refuse applications for licences or for the renewal of licences under the Act, and to revoke any such licences.
• To prescribe standards in respect of facilities to be provided in licensed institutions for the performance of abortions.
The term of appointment is for three years.
Carolyn McIlraith
McIlraith is employed with Capital and Coast District Health
Board as a counsellor. She has been counselling for 10
years, specialising in youth, post-natal depression, grief
and loss, sex, psychological first aid and pregnancy