Māori Women’s Welfare League Deserves Government Engagement
Pita Paraone MP
Spokesperson for Māori Affairs
Māori Women’s Welfare League Deserves Government Engagement
New Zealand First believes the Māori Women’s Welfare League’s (MWWL) deserves the opportunity to take a central role in addressing the needs of Māori children in state care.
“The over representation of Māori in state care demonstrates a clear failure of the current system to appropriately manage the needs of threatened mokopuna Māori,” says Spokesperson for Māori Affairs Pita Paraone.
“Any solution to reducing the number of Māori young people in state custody needs Māori input – there is no organisation better placed to provide that input than the MWWL.
“New Zealand First has long been a supporter of the MWWL having recognised the value and benefit their 64 years’ experience can bring to the development of Māori communities.
“It is time for the government to engage with this organisation and listen to the solutions they have for mokopuna Māori,” said Mr Paraone.