Alerts Overlooked by Serco Resulting in Attack
Mahesh Bindra MP
Spokesperson for Corrections
Alerts Overlooked by Serco Resulting in Attack
Serco overlooked the “manual of alerts” at Wiri prison which led to an attack on a transgender prisoner, says New Zealand First.
“The system of alerts to protect prisoners being considered for shared accommodation was ignored at the Auckland South Corrections Facility. This is a serious breach of their duty of care,” says Mahesh Bindra Corrections Spokesperson and former Senior Corrections Officer.
“The alert was on the alleged perpetrator after a previous incident. Had the appropriate Shared Accommodation Cell Risk Assessment (SACRA) been done these two prisoners would not have been put in a cell together.
“Clearly Serco has no regard for the Integrated Offender Management System (IOMS), which in this case has led to an avoidable assault.
“The failure of Serco to follow due process is yet another major failure proving they are unfit to run our prisons.
“The Government has no option but to terminate Serco’s contract and put the management of our prisons back in state hands”, says Mr Bindra.