Minister opens Cebu’s Red Cross logistics hub
Hon Simon Bridges
Minister of Transport
11 October 2015
Minister opens Cebu’s Red Cross logistics hub
Transport Minister Simon Bridges has opened the Red Cross logistics hub in Cebu, Philippines today, after a recent refurbishment funded by New Zealand aid money.
The $5 million, three-year Strengthening the Response Capabilities of the Philippine Red Cross programme aims to help the agency provide faster relief responses during emergencies.
The Cebu Warehouse is the designated logistics hub for emergencies affecting the Visayas, a region in central Philippines which is most vulnerable to typhoons.
Mr Bridges says it played a key role as the transport and logistical hub during the response to Typhoon Haiyan almost two years ago.
“It was the base for our Royal New Zealand Air Force operations to deliver emergency supplies, airlift capability and logistical support. Over two weeks, our Hercules made more than 40 relief trips carrying in food and supplies and carrying out over 1,000 evacuees.
“New Zealand’s $4.8m support in the relief stage following Typhoon Haiyan was one of our largest ever responses outside of the Pacific.
“Because of its importance logistically and as a training hub, Cebu was one of the first warehouses to be retro-fitted. By the time this activity is completed in early 2016 we will have prepositioned 14,000 family kits, upgraded eight warehouses and trained 150 Red Cross officials.”
Mr Bridges says New Zealand’s support to the Philippine Red Cross is just one example of our commitment to Disaster Risk Reduction and humanitarian relief in the Philippines.
“The Philippine Red Cross can be proud that, as a result of this activity’s success, the New Zealand Aid Programme is looking at replicating this initiative in other ASEAN developing countries.”