Foss urges boaties to stay safe
Hon Craig Foss
Associate Minister of Transport
16 October 2015
Media Statement
Foss urges boaties to stay safe
Associate Transport Minister Craig Foss is urging boat users to make safety their top priority as New Zealand’s Safer Boating Week begins today.
“Safer Boating Week is all about being aware of the risks on the water and how to reduce those risks,” Mr Foss says.
“Labour Weekend, the traditional start of the recreational boating season, is just one week away.
“If you discover something’s wrong with your boat or gear when you’re already on the water, it may be too late to avoid trouble. Do the right thing by yourself, your passengers and other boaties — prep your boat, check your gear and know the rules.
“Last year 27 people died in recreational boating accidents — that’s 27 too many.
“We all want to enjoy a day out on the water. By doing simple things — checking the weather, avoiding alcohol and wearing a lifejacket — you’re much more likely to be around to enjoy more of those days with family.”
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