Common Sense Reply to Gerry’s Latest Rant
Rt Hon Winston Peters
New Zealand First Leader
of Parliament for Northland
Common Sense Reply to Gerry’s Latest Rant
“The failed woodwork teacher is at it again making it up as he goes along.
“And bereft of basic maths at the same time.
“One hundred and eight members support the five Treaty bills that were down for Friday, and New Zealand First was concerned that two bills contained serious provisions which Māoridom and the country needed to know about.
“The government at all times was in control of this matter and every aspect of it, and the committee stage and third reading of all of these bills could have taken place over the next two days.
“But it requires Gerry to amass his 108 against an army of 12 – even bungling, hopeless Gerry should be able to do that,” says Rt Hon Winston Peters, New Zealand First Leader and MP for Northland.